Carol M. Peterson Housing Fund Opens June 1
The FHLB is pleased to announce the Carol M. Peterson Housing Fund (CMPHF) opens at 10:00 a.m. ET on June 1, 2020 with $2.0 million in available funding. The CMPHF offers grants up to $7,500 per household to fund accessibility rehabilitation and emergency repairs for special needs and elderly low-income homeowners. Grant funds will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds have been reserved.
Below is an abbreviated list of the program guidelines:
- Special needs or elderly (60 years of age or older);
- The total income for all occupants must be at or below 60 percent of the Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) limit for the county and state where the property is located;
- The applicant must have an ownership interest in the property to be repaired;
- Must be a single-family detached home or qualified manufactured home;
- Must be located within Kentucky, Ohio, or Tennessee; and,
- Must be used as the homeowner's primary residence.
Please reference the CMPHF Guide for complete program details. All 2020 program resources are now available.
Our Members and Sponsors (non-profit organizations) utilize this program to assist special needs and elderly homeowners in the communities they serve by making their home more accessible and safe. Since its inception in 2011, the CMPHF has disbursed $11.4 million on behalf of more than 2,000 households.
Please contact the Housing and Community Investment Department at 888-345-2246 with any questions.