Disaster Reconstruction Funds Available in 20 Kentucky and Tennessee Counties

December 30, 2019

Households in 18 Tennessee counties and two Kentucky counties, whose homes were damaged by the remnants of Hurricane Olga on October 26, 2019, may qualify for grants from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati's Disaster Reconstruction Program (DRP) to aid their recovery. In addition, FHLB Cincinnati's CICA programs offer discounted Advances that can be used to finance reconstruction of housing, commercial properties and infrastructure following natural disasters.

The counties affected are:

  • In Kentucky: Christian and Todd.
  • In Tennessee: Benton, Carroll, Cheatham, Chester, Decatur, Dickson, Hardeman, Hardin, Henderson, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, McNairy, Montgomery, Perry, Robertson, Stewart and Wayne.

Residents recently became eligible to receive these grants when the U.S. Small Business Administration declared these counties a disaster area on December 17, 2019. Homeowners whose homes were damaged or destroyed may be eligible for grants of up to $20,000 toward construction, acquisition or repair of their primary residences. Renters displaced by the storms could also be eligible to receive up to $5,000 toward the purchase of a home.

Eligibility rules for those applying for DRP funds include:

  • Eligible households have either been displaced or suffered damage to their primary residence by a federally or state declared disaster occurring within the Fifth District.
  • Household income must be less than or equal to 100 percent of the applicable Mortgage Revenue Bond income limits. In Humphreys County, Tenn., for a family of one or two persons, the limit is $63,386 and for a family of three or more, the limit is $72,894.
  • Allowable expenses include construction, acquisition, or repair of a primary residence, which must be a single-family detached home or manufactured home permanently attached to a fixed foundation and taxed as real property where the applicant is the owner of record. FHLB funds cannot be used for expenses covered by insurance or state or federal emergency management agencies.

The $5 million DRP was created by the Board of Directors in 2012, to assist Fifth District residents whose homes are destroyed or damaged due to a natural disaster. Complete information on the fund is available at www.fhlbcin.com.

Discounted Advances are available through two programs to support housing and economic development, in areas with qualifying income and demographic factors. Under the Community Investment Program (CIP), discounted loans are available to finance the purchase, construction, and/or rehabilitation of housing and economic development projects. Our Economic Development Program (EDP) provides discounted Advances to promote economic development and job creation/retention, also in areas with qualifying income and demographic measures. EDP loans finance commercial, industrial and agricultural projects as well as small business, public facilities, day care and infrastructure projects.

To participate, contact Jill A. Cravens, Housing Programs Manager, or Dawn E. Grace, VP of Housing and Community Investment, toll free at 888-345-2246.