In an effort to submit a successful Reservation Request, upload the following documents only. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and should be referenced only as a guide for the best documentation to submit in the most common case scenarios. Please ensure that all document copies are full-sized, clear, and legible prior to uploading. All documents must be uploaded as one attachment.

Fully executed loan application

All applicable sections completed and questions answered.

  • Include the complete subject property address (street number, name, city, state and zip code).
  • Identify the number of household members and their ages (adults and children).
  • Indicate if the borrower has owned a home within the last three years.
  • Clearly signed and dated by all borrowers and the loan originator, and with the Member identified.

NOTE: In order to be eligible to participate in the Welcome Home Program the loan must be originated by a Member. Also, the borrower and any co-borrower(s) must all reside in the home.

Income verification documentation

All household members aged 18 years or older must provide income verification documentation.

  • No IncomeCertification of Zero Income for any adult household member that is unemployed and receives no other source of income.
  • Unemployment: Two consecutive (back to back) benefit statements or award letter for any adult household member currently receiving unemployment compensation.
  • Employment: Two consecutive (back to back) pay statements for any adult household member that is employed by a third party OR a Verification of Employment (VOE).
  • Seasonal/Sporadic Employment: Verification of Employment (VOE), if two consecutive pay statements are not available.
  • Self-Employment/Income Property: Last two year’s completed federal tax returns (signed & dated) if the household member is self-employed, receives a 1099 annual tax form or has (current) property rental income.
  • Fixed Income: Annual award letter or Statement of Benefits if any household member (regardless of age) receives income from Social Security, Supplemental Security, Retirement, Pension, Investment, etc.,
  • Child Support/Alimony: Child Support Agency printout/case documents, Court Order/Divorce Decree.

NOTE:  In most cases, the income verification documentation should be dated within the same calendar year as the loan application.

Manufactured homes

This information must be provided when the Reservation Request is submitted.

Current (dated within the last 12 months) appraisal showing the manufactured home is attached to a permanent foundation, taxed as real estate, meets FHA guidelines, and is Energy Star certified.

Multifamily units (two to four units)

This information must be provided when the Reservation Request is submitted.

Current (dated within the last 12 months) multi-family unit appraisal for the subject property or a current lease agreement to verify rental income.

Documentation that is not required and should not be submitted

Submission of documentation that is not required slows down the review process for everyone. The FHLB Cincinnati strives to provide our Members with the fastest processing time and requests the items below NOT be submitted. On a case-by-case basis this documentation may be requested, but it is very rare.

  • Purchase Contract
  • Credit Report
  • W-2’s
  • Tax Returns (unless documenting self-employment, rental income, etc.)
  • Bank Statements (unless verifying fixed income received via direct deposit)
  • Copy of driver’s license
  • Copy of Member’s loan approval letter

For more information on required documentation please reference the Welcome Home Program Guide or for assistance, please contact the Housing & Community Investment Department at (888) 345-2246 or email us at