In an effort to submit a successful Request for Payment of Reserved Funding, upload the following documents only. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list and should be referenced only as a guide for the best documentation to submit in the most common case scenarios. Please ensure that all document copies are full-sized, clear and legible prior to uploading. All documents must be uploaded as one attachment. All Requests for Payment of Reserved Funding must be received by December 16 of this year.
Direct subsidy agreement
The FHLB Cincinnati must have the signed document prior to any funds being disbursed.
- Signed and dated by two Members authorized to borrow funds from FHLB.
Closing Disclosure
The properly executed Closing Disclosure for ALL mortgages must clearly show the following:
- Signed and dated by the Borrower(s).
- Welcome Home funds must be shown in Section L: Paid Already by or on Behalf of Borrower at Closing.
- Borrower must have a minimum $500 of their own funds in the transaction. This requirement may also include costs paid outside of closing.
- Borrower did not receive any funds back at closing. If funds are given back to the Borrower, the Welcome Home grant will be reduced by a like amount.
- The first mortgage loan rate must be at or below 9.875% and the second mortgage rate must be at or below 13.375%.
The current year Welcome Home Program Retention Language must be recorded with the deed.
- Welcome Home Retention Language may be attached as an addendum to the deed, recorded as a Restrictive Covenants or inserted within the body of the deed.
- If the language is included as a separate document, the attachment must be referenced specifically within the body of the deed. Example: “See Attachment A for FHLB retention language.”
FHA loans
ONLY households utilizing an FHA loan with Welcome Home funds should execute the “Welcome Home Retention Language Acknowledgment for FHA Loans” form.
- The "Retention Language Acknowledgment for FHA Loans” form is a separate document and does not have to be recorded with the deed.
Homebuyer counseling certificate
A copy of the homebuyer counseling certificate is required for all first-time homebuyers. The first paragraph of the approval letter indicates FHLB's first-time homebuyer determination.
Documentation that is not required and should not be submitted
Submission of documentation that is not required slows down the funding process for everyone. The FHLB Cincinnati strives to provide our Members with the fastest processing time and requests the items below NOT be submitted.
- Itemization of Amount Financed
- Copy of the Welcome Home approval letter
- Member’s Closing Checklist
- Instructions to Title Company
- Copy of the Note
- Copy of the Mortgage
- Purchase Contract
For more information on required documentation please reference the Welcome Home Program Guide or for assistance, please contact the Housing & Community Investment Department at (888) 345-2246 or email us at