This is only a brief overview of the Disaster Reconstruction Program. Complete program information can be found in the 2025 Program Guide.

View our current list of disaster declarations by county to see if your area is eligible.

What is the Disaster Reconstruction Program?

Households affected by natural disasters may qualify for help with purchasing, constructing, or repairing their primary residence through the Disaster Reconstruction Program (DRP). Grants of up to $20,000 are available to homeowners in declared disaster areas, and renters can qualify for $10,000 toward the purchase of a home.

The Disaster Reconstruction Program funds were made available for reservation beginning on May 1, 2012. The program will remain open until all funds have been exhausted or the FHLB elects to terminate or suspend the program.

Who can use the DRP?

FHLB Cincinnati established the Disaster Reconstruction Program as a standing response to disasters that occur within the Fifth District states of Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee. FHLB members can make a positive impact on their community by offering funds to assist customers in replacing or repairing homes that have been damaged due to a disaster.

How do I apply?

Households must apply with one of our member institutions. Click here to search our Member Directory.

All funds will be reserved for households on a “first-come, first-served” basis, but only to the extent that funds are available.

Members may reserve funds via the Disaster Reconstruction Program link through the FHLB’s Members Only portal by submitting an online Reservation Request with supporting documentation. Instructions for accessing Members Only may be found here.

Additional Information and Technical Assistance

For more information or assistance, please contact the Housing & Community Investment Department at (888) 345-2246 or email us at

For FHLB's Members Only assistance, please contact our Service Desk at (800) 781-3090.

Disaster Reconstruction Program resources

  • FHLB's Disaster Reconstruction Program Webinar [PDF | WEBINAR]